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Public spaces – Hacking

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Destroying Culture

What could be the exact definition of “destroying culture”? I mean, we all have ideas or pictures in mind of the lack of culture (from the “no more culture nowadays!” with a quavering voice or “Culture is in loss in our

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{PRESS} Shop at the museum

This website is really an interesting idea: group all the cultural products sold in (worldly famous) Museums shops online, on this website, Shop at the Museum! It could seem obvious but, finally, nobody made it before! For the moment, the website

[Chapter 14] Kashif Nadim Chaudry

Introduction Kashif Nadim Chaudry is a based-Nottingham artist specialised in textiles (thread, fabric) shaping. Born in Nottingham, in a Punjabi origin family and graduating at Goldsmiths College in London, Nadim plays with origins, identities and influences. Your studio is in this

Language: English Title: artplayer About: “A showcase for the arts. artplayer is a video platform aimed at showcasing the best video content from the UK arts industry. As well as a website, artplayer offers mobile access and apps, exclusive editorial content, access to


Language: English and German Title: herr_pola_roid About: Photos by Michael Koller, Twitter or by mail ( Category: artist

The Royal Standard

Language: English Title: The Royal Standard About: “The Royal Standard is an artist-led gallery, studios and social workspace in Liverpool Through a dynamic and challenging gallery programme that brings together local, national and international artists, we aim to showcase the most exciting,

Language: English, French Title: About: “What is the blog for? is a blog for cross-disciplinary thinking about exhibition architecture. Seemingly situated in the domain of the visible, this activity, whose prime purpose is to bring people together with the works of humankind,

Kenn Taylor

Language: English Title: Kenn Taylor About: “I’m a writer, journalist and arts project manager. I have written on a wide variety of subjects over the years, though I now mainly focus on my specialist areas of social history, community, culture and the urban

Riccardo Guasco

Language: Italian Title: Riccardo Guasco About: Ben arrivato sulla mia pagina. Qui sotto troverai (quasi) tutto il mio lavoro, dai piccoli disegni a matita alle grandi tele dipinte. – premi la barra o scorri il dito 😉 Riccardo Guasco, “rik”,

Herb Lester

Language: English Title: Herb Lester Associates About: Looking for the usual and unusual . Herb Lester Associates publish guides for tourists and locals: witty, pretty, curious and opinionated. Most guides try to tell you everything there is to know about