Digital Heritage conferences

Documentaries - Reportage , Museums - Venues , Some readings Jul 05, 2016 No Comments

The Saturday 2nd and Monday 4th July 2016 took place conferences about Digital Heritage and Public Engagement at the University of Nottingham, by the Heritage & the Digital Research Priority Area lab.

In short, these days were presenting different projects mixing digital and cultural challenges. Conferences were much more focused on the “how” and the challenges of the doing more than the experience or the results. Really interesting so.
Digital Art History and Digital Museology: Modes of Analysis, Curation, and Audience Engagement
Here are the storify of these two days:

To browse directly through my storify interface, click here

To browse directly through the RPA storify interface, click here


Here some projects references:

University of Nottingham presented projects:

Helene Herniou