Se réapproprier les rues

Communities - Citizen Actions , Public spaces - Hacking , Urbanism Juin 29, 2016 No Comments

Press review logoCette initiative indienne, The Ugly Indian, a débuté en 2010 et continue ses actiions toujours maintenant. L’idée : comme on ne respecte que ce que l’on aime, il faut se réapproprier les rues en les nettoyant et les rendant plus belles, ensemble.

« Look at any Indian street, we have pathetic civic standards.
We tolerate an incredible amount of filth.
This is not about money, knowhow, or systems.
This is about attitudes. About a rooted cultural behaviour.
The Ugly Indian can take the world’s best systems and find a way around it. Even outside India.
Streets in Indian-dominated suburbs overseas
are good indicators of this lack of civic sense.
Ask those who have visited Southall (London),
Edison (New Jersey) and Little India (Singapore)
It’s time for us Ugly Indians to do something about this.
Only we can save us. From ourselves. »

The ugly Indian


Pour en savoir plus sur cette initiative :

TEDx Bangalore

Interview par la BBC

J’ai découvert The Ugly Indian grâce à la lecture de l’article de Pop Up City.

Helene Herniou