Translate original post with Google Translate Emily Allchurch is one of these artists that, you discover by the chance of an exhibition in an enchanted museum (in my case the Manchester Art Gallery) and her work strikes you so much
Translate original post with Google Translate Tweet walk – The English landscape gardens of Nymphenburg Palace Park « The Bavarian Palace Department, together with the Kulturkonsorten, invite you to take part in a tweet walk on 19 April 2015! We’ll be
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: Artquest About: « Artquest provides everything visual artists need to know by encouraging critical engagement and providing practical support. Helping artists to make work, sell work, find work and network, Artquest provides the information to drive
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: artplayer About: « A showcase for the arts. artplayer is a video platform aimed at showcasing the best video content from the UK arts industry. As well as a website, artplayer offers mobile access and
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: Rafael Mantesso About: Rafael Mantesso is accessible also by mail ( Category: artist
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: The Studio of Dan Cassaro About: THE STUDIO OF DAN CASSARO IS A SMALL BUT SCRAPPY DESIGN PRACTICE IN BROOKLYN, NEW YORK WITH A FOCUS ON TYPE, LETTERING, LOGO DESIGN, AND
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English and German Title: herr_pola_roid About: Photos by Michael Koller, Twitter or by mail ( Category: artist
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: The Royal Standard About: « The Royal Standard is an artist-led gallery, studios and social workspace in Liverpool Through a dynamic and challenging gallery programme that brings together local, national and international artists, we
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: The Guardian About: « culture professionals network« Category: Cultural structure
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: Mute About: « We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc. Mute is an online magazine dedicated to exploring culture and politics after the net. Mute combines biannual
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: Culture Themes About: « Welcome to the blog of This site was created following several really good ideas and campaigns on Twitter such as Jim Richards’ @MuseumPic, Melissa Mannon’s ‘Ask an Archivist’ and @PooleMuseum #WhyILoveMuseums.
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: French Title: Gone Underground About: « Une visite décalée du métro lyonnais. Le métro de Lyon comme vous ne l’avez jamais vu Inspiré et soutenu par le photographe Janol Apin, qui dans les années 90
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: Italian Title: Riccardo Guasco About: Ben arrivato sulla mia pagina. Qui sotto troverai (quasi) tutto il mio lavoro, dai piccoli disegni a matita alle grandi tele dipinte. – premi la barra o scorri
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: Museum Crawl Berlin About: The challenge: Visit 100 museums in Berlin before 2015! Category: blog/website
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: French Title: Le Journal des Arts About: L’info citoyenne sur les musées NOTRE CONCEPT. Louvre pour tous a été créé fin 2004 par Bernard Hasquenoph, graphiste vivant à Paris, initialement pour protester contre
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English, Arabic Title: ArtTerritories About: « ABOUT US: ArtTerritories is conceived as an independent platform for artists, thinkers, researchers and curators to reflect on their art practice and engage in critical exchange on matters of art and
Tout le monde s’est déjà fait entendre, au moins une fois dans un musée, une expo ou lors d’une visite « Pas de photo ! (s’il vous plaît) ». A ce moment là, on observe trois attitudes : le visiteur docile, qui fait un
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