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Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: artplayer About: « A showcase for the arts. artplayer is a video platform aimed at showcasing the best video content from the UK arts industry. As well as a website, artplayer offers mobile access and

Rafael Mantesso

Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: Rafael Mantesso About: Rafael Mantesso is accessible also by mail ( Category: artist

Dan Cassaro

Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: The Studio of Dan Cassaro About: THE STUDIO OF DAN CASSARO IS A SMALL BUT SCRAPPY DESIGN PRACTICE IN BROOKLYN, NEW YORK WITH A FOCUS ON TYPE, LETTERING, LOGO DESIGN, AND


Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English and German Title: herr_pola_roid About: Photos by Michael Koller, Twitter or by mail ( Category: artist

The Royal Standard

Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: The Royal Standard About: « The Royal Standard is an artist-led gallery, studios and social workspace in Liverpool Through a dynamic and challenging gallery programme that brings together local, national and international artists, we

Riccardo Guasco

Translate original post with Google Translate Language: Italian Title: Riccardo Guasco About: Ben arrivato sulla mia pagina. Qui sotto troverai (quasi) tutto il mio lavoro, dai piccoli disegni a matita alle grandi tele dipinte. – premi la barra o scorri


Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English, Arabic Title: ArtTerritories About: « ABOUT US: ArtTerritories is conceived as an independent platform for artists, thinkers, researchers and curators to reflect on their art practice and engage in critical exchange on matters of art and