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Building Hyperdensity and Civic Delight

Translate original post with Google Translate A text by Vishaan Chakrabarti, about his great battle: new urbanism by hyper-densification. For him, this is the only solution for a better city, more sustainable, better transport and healthier place to live. This

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Frank Lloyd Wright on Arrogance

Translate original post with Google Translate « A very interesting way to hear about Frank Lloyd Wright point of view about architecture, modern cities and modern architecture practice! « “Any man who really has faith in himself will be dubbed arrogant by

Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English, French Title: About: « What is the blog for? is a blog for cross-disciplinary thinking about exhibition architecture. Seemingly situated in the domain of the visible, this activity, whose prime purpose is to bring people

Pour une nouvelle architecture territoriale de l’ingénierie en matière d’urbanisme : le rapport de la délégation aux collectivités territoriales du Sénat préconise 12 recommandations

Translate original post with Google Translate Pour une nouvelle architecture territoriale de l’ingénierie en matière d’urbanisme : le rapport de la délégation aux collectivités territoriales du Sénat préconise 12 recommandations.   « « Complexification du droit, enchevêtrement des procédures, atrophie du