Translate original post with Google Translate « A very interesting way to hear about Frank Lloyd Wright point of view about architecture, modern cities and modern architecture practice! « “Any man who really has faith in himself will be dubbed arrogant by
Translate original post with Google Translate This question can seem strange, especially on a cultural magazine but when you see some talks about the BBC from the new British Minister of Culture (or the French one who is just a joke,
Translate original post with Google Translate This month, I wish sharing with you the vision of the director of National Museums Liverpool, Dr David Fleming OBE. Indeed, this month, on the MOOC pateform « Future Learn », is starting a MOOC in
Introduction Je vous propose ce mois-ci de suivre les activités plus que bouillonnantes de Tanja Praske, collaboratrice scientifique à la direction des châteaux de Bavière. Polyglotte et hyperactive curieuse, Tanja est à la fois une personne clé pour comprendre ce
Translate original post with Google Translate Tweet walk – The English landscape gardens of Nymphenburg Palace Park « The Bavarian Palace Department, together with the Kulturkonsorten, invite you to take part in a tweet walk on 19 April 2015! We’ll be
Translate original post with Google Translate The institution: « The Broad is a new contemporary art museum being built by philanthropists Eli and Edythe Broad on Grand Avenue in downtown Los Angeles. The museum, which is designed by Diller Scofidio
Translate original post with Google Translate By Simon Stephens, 09.03.15, Article published in « The University of Leicester has unveiled the world’s first museum studies Massive Open Online Course (Mooc) in partnership with National Museums Liverpool (NML). Moocs are online
Translate original post with Google Translate By Geraldine Kendall, 09.03.15, Article from the « Museums in England generate £2.64bn of income a year and employ almost 40,000 people, according to a report published last week by Arts Council England (ACE).
Ce site est vraiment très intéressant : regrouper tous les produits culturels vendus dans les boutiques des musées à travers le monde sur une seule plateforme, celle de Shop at the Museum ! Cela peut sembler évident mais fianlement, personne ne
Translate original post with Google Translate This beginning of year, the new musical place in Paris, the Philharmonie de Paris, opened with a serie of special concerts for its opening. The beauty in it? Videos were captured and are accessible
Quelques repères Nous vivons dans un monde d’images mais aussi de son. Télévision, radio, présentations de travail, films, … tous ces médias utilisent la voix, à la fois comme support du message ou objet-même de ce message. Si nous avons l’habitude
Quelques repères : De nos jours, presque toutes les institutions veulent que leurs publics soient toujours plus engagés et participent (« aiment » leurs pages Facebook). Si un si grand nombre de structures sont conscientes de cet important élément qu’est la
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: Biennial Foundation About: « Biennial Foundation is an independent non-profit arts organization that was founded in 2009 to stimulate a spirit of solidarity among contemporary art biennials worldwide, and to facilitate a diversity of
« How will Museums of the future look? » by Sarah Kenderdine at TEDxGateway 2013 Cette vidéo est, selon moi, un must-see ! Le discours de Sarah Kenderdine est clair, compréhensible, pertinent et insite aux bonnes pratiques sans imposer une seule et
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title:, The European museums network About: « The website will be accompanied with a suite of mobile applications, providing users with up-to-date information about European museums and galleries in one place – including visitor information,
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English, German and Russian Title: Museum, Politics and Power About: « With the social media project Museum, Politics and Power: An International Conversation we are breaking new ground by accompanying an international ICOM conference with a social
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: Museums Association About: « The leading voice for the museum sector. The Museums Association is a membership organisation for everyone working in museums, galleries and heritage. Our mission. To enhance the value of museums to
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English, French Title: Médiation culturelle, Le portail web de la Culture pour tous sur la médiation culturelle About: « Culture pour tous is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help ensure that the arts and culture
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: French Title: Histoire des arts, collections XXe siècle About: « Pourquoi ce site ? Destiné en priorité aux élèves de 3e des collèges, ce site s’adresse aussi à leurs enseignants, ainsi qu’à tous les amateurs d’art, curieux de
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: German, English Title: Deutscher Museumbund About: « Founded in 1917, the German Museums Association is the national organization for all museums and museum professionals. It represents art museums as well as museums of history, cultural history and
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: The Guardian About: « culture professionals network« Category: Cultural structure
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: English Title: CODE ¦ WORDS: Technology and theory in the museum About: « An Experiment in Online Publishing and Discourse. What is Project CODE│WORDS? Project CODE | WORDS is an experimental discursive publishing project that gathers a
Translate original post with Google Translate Language: French Title: Véculture, Le blog de Gonzague Gauthier About: « Mon blog, Véculture, se veut un blog sans grande prétention interrogeant le vécu d’un point de vue culturaliste. Mis en place sur les ruines de l’ambition d’une thèse en
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