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Kenn Taylor

Language: English Title: Kenn Taylor About: “I’m a writer, journalist and arts project manager. I have written on a wide variety of subjects over the years, though I now mainly focus on my specialist areas of social history, community, culture and the urban

Riccardo Guasco

Language: Italian Title: Riccardo Guasco About: Ben arrivato sulla mia pagina. Qui sotto troverai (quasi) tutto il mio lavoro, dai piccoli disegni a matita alle grandi tele dipinte. – premi la barra o scorri il dito 😉 Riccardo Guasco, “rik”,

Herb Lester

Language: English Title: Herb Lester Associates About: Looking for the usual and unusual . Herb Lester Associates publish guides for tourists and locals: witty, pretty, curious and opinionated. Most guides try to tell you everything there is to know about

Marketing territorial

Language: French and English Title: Marketing territorial About: Marketing territorial, tourisme, innovation territoriale, com’ publique et collectivités, pub & marketing, graphisme & sémiologie, innovation numérique Category: blog/website

La Tribune de l’art

Language: French and English Title: La Tribune de l’art About: L’actualité du patrimoine et de l’art occidental du moyen-âge aux années 30 Ce site est né le 7 avril 2003. Il a pour sujet l’actualité de l’histoire de l’art et


Language: English, Arabic Title: ArtTerritories About: “ABOUT US: ArtTerritories is conceived as an independent platform for artists, thinkers, researchers and curators to reflect on their art practice and engage in critical exchange on matters of art and visual culture in the Middle East

L’AMF et l’Opéra national de Paris partenaires pour diffuser l’art lyrique sur tous les territoires

See on – Le presse-Minute de Cliophile L’établissement public va mettre gracieusement son catalogue d’enregistrements à disposition des communes. Les mairies devront respecter un cahier des charges précis. Hélène Herniou‘s insight: “L’opération « Opéra d’été » fait suite à