My previous post “New Practices and Culture, a short look to Culture Professionals” was in the introduction, this is the first episode of this current cycle dedicated professionals cultural structures of all kinds and from all over France!
Our first guest is Dawn Lejosne-Bougaud who talks about his approach and the solutions she found creating the association Vendredi 13.
– Vendredi Treize is an unincorporated association founded in 2012 and based in Strasbourg (note that in France, the term “association” is almost the equivalent of “unincorporated association” in Britain but they are larger than this because they can include also societies and charities… and they are not registered as companies but have their own governmental entry)
– Vendredi 13 is the structure that organizes the Greater East Museomix edition, to be held at the Museum of the stereotypical view on 8, 9 and 10 November 2013 [the end, the event was postponed later]
How was born Vendredi 13?
I have always been sensitive to the development and promotion of heritage; this is also the direction in which I had directed my academic research. Then I discovered the possibilities offered by the new technologies during my archaeological missions. From there, the ideas were shaken. I then proposed projects integrating new tools offered by the internet to share and disseminate research and travel to the public in the form of wiki. But the level of participation did not satisfy me. I’m facing even more participatory projects. I proposed the establishment of an alternate reality game for the city of Strasbourg, mixing real and fictional elements – but I left my studies and we do not really take me seriously, despite the arrival of this project in the final of innovation award in Strasbourg.
Another factor to consider: the existence at that time, an even greater problem, linking culture and heritage of innovation and technology. Through chance encounters-including much of Paris I found the confidence and encouragement to start to go down that road. By my sleep carrier concepts and help from friends, I have been sufficiently “army” to create the Vendredi Treize association .
What was your experience before you embark on the adventure of a structure?
I’m an archaeologist by training and I directed my research on the development and promotion of heritage in danger and new means of mediation. After three years of PhD, I decided to resign from the latter, with great sadness, but the study conditions were impossible. I went looking for a job but it had to find that my field experience and my studies were useless.
I had my ideas in mind, closets full of projects but I was totally lost. We openly mocked my studies. How many times have I heard “go back to your brush and your trowel! “I need regular. This motivated me to fight, bitter with anger. I developed my projects by additional training in business management and marketing and event management that allowed me to give credibility to my skills as communicating. It was at that time that was officially created the association and I’m headed. For the rest, I form the field and I regularly keep abreast of what is happening.
What are the objectives of Vendredi Treize?
The main Vendredi Treize goal is simple: to promote and develop the cultural heritage, whatever it is, through innovation and new technologies.
It is a constantly evolving structure that adapts to the needs and emerging issues. It is based primarily on social innovation. It is on these bases that builds his main project: the creation of the Laboratory for Open Innovation Emergences dedicated to the culture and heritage. This laboratory is intended to bring together all stakeholders in the cultural life, structures and actors in innovation and technology and above-and I insist on this-the general public; these insiders or outsiders to the culture and heritage users. A great program that will certainly take time but that meets the current policies and expectations. Also, if Vendredi Treize is based in Strasbourg, the association aims to work at the national level, and with time, hopefully internationally.
Why create an association and not a company?
Through the association status, I was able to meet people I would never have done differently but I am unfortunately a volunteer, which provides no stability. This is an extremely difficult situation. I hope to develop the association and in parallel seeking employment.
Furthermore, structuring as business does not allow such a large participation of users and different audiences, in contrast to an association. Another point-and certainly not moindres- it is often extremely difficult to implement events and actions to link actors in the public and private sectors. The association serves as an intermediary point of contact between two worlds that have historically had difficulties in dialogue. If we add the “public” setting, the equation would have been totally unmanageable as a company.
The dialogue is much more peaceful and constructive way, though of course there are difficulties and disappointments, in the late afternoon, leaving morale sometimes as low as for any entrepreneur. But do not they say that tomorrow is another day?
You work mostly related structures and territorial decision, what are the constraints that you meet and you find solutions?
The association is recent, it also celebrates its first anniversary. To become known-and he had to be, even today-it proves its legitimacy within an extremely complex spatial fabric. While we respond to current policy objectives, we are not always understood. It’s kind of our daily routine. The message and the actions of the association are not understood in the same way as the speaker, his investment in his community and political expectations of its territory. But where some doors close, others open. The only solutions, even if sometimes frustrating, are sharing, patience and adaptability.Quels sont les événements et éléments que tu as pu mettre en place et ceux que tu projettes ?
The association is working on three major projects, two of which will be born by the end of the year:
– Museomix Greater East: I got in contact with Nod-A there are now over a year and a half after the first edition in Paris in 2011 Muséomix The concept was really interesting and exactly met the criteria for the association. But until now there was an annual planned. So I suggested they set up a local edition, to sustain the action and have a real impact over time. We worked together in this way. For their part, the team has developed Muséomix other communities and I worked on the bow Grand East. We launched the action officially on February 19 and will work for the year 2013 with the Museum of Image of Epinal. The meeting is scheduled for 8, 9 and 10 November 2013 [publishing the museum finally had to be canceled]
– Cultur & ICT: This is a meeting to help understand, exchange, share, test, experiment, as it were a festival of innovation, technology and culture. For this first edition Epinal host, for 2 days, conferences, round tables, workshops and an exhibition of some of mediation that have been created during Muséomix Grand East. Cultur & ICT must answer to issues such as the relevance of the use of new technologies and innovation in the cultural scene, the attitude of the face of these devices and these cultural sites, the future of new tools mediation and museums, heritage sites … This event is intended to be multiplied throughout France and beyond.
– The Laboratory of open Emergences (LLEmergences) innovation: it is dedicated to the heritage and culture structure. This is a test space with the public, an area of co-creation and co-working, a conference venue, sessions creation, training, a true platform for trade online and in real life, which should enable the pooling of skills and knowledge of each to move in the same dynamic research and development for the heritage and cultural promotion. We Stecklings even on the creation of a label. A large project that is being built and, I hope, put his first stone by the end of 2013.
Have you noticed a change in the way we work and project opportunities since you started?
We feel that people want to invest in shares, share, contribute. We gradually drop into entrepreneurship and social innovation but the path is further complicated because, paradoxically, certain words and concepts precisely attached to these two elements are still taboo.
We apply in France the precautionary principle and we fear change. Risk taking is not yet written in our genes. It is this small traditionalist side which certainly makes the charm of France but can sometimes be a barrier to innovation factor.
The ultra-collaborative work is beginning to emerge and is accelerating with the possibilities offered by new technologies, but the working methods are still difficult to determine. We are faced with loopholes, a breakdown of the hierarchy as we know so far and a community management increasingly complex.
All this opens so many really interesting backgrounds-and the work of the laboratory of the association based on these concepts.
How would you define your role in the local culture (and more broadly)?
I am an adventurer and explorer. Perhaps it my archaeologist side emerges? I like to search, find, analyze, develop and implement new practices, new experiences, where are not expected. I like to have at least one step ahead but it is not necessarily an obvious role to play and it is not always well understood. I’m getting a place at the local level and beyond but it will take a lot of work to achieve my goals and be able to act effectively on the whole territory. One of these goals is to promote and enhance the heritage and allow everyone to have access by offering new ways of mediation. I think it’s a way to keep the memory and effectively convey to future generations. What a programme!
Some links…
– Vendredi Treize website
–Twitter de Vendredi Treize account
– Page Facebook de Vendredi Treize
– Page Facebook de Museomix Grand-Est
[translation by Google translate]