Language: English
Title: Artquest
About: “Artquest provides everything visual artists need to know by encouraging critical engagement and providing practical support.
Helping artists to make work, sell work, find work and network, Artquest provides the information to drive creative practice and help artists thrive on some of the lowest incomes in the creative sector. All of our staff are part-time, practicing as visual artists. We build a bridge from student experience to sustainable working life, and throughout your professional career, giving advice, information and opportunities at any stage in their life.
Access to our whole website is free for anyone, anywhere, with no registration required. We don’t run any paid-for advertisements on our site, meaning you get recommendations based on quality rather than an organisation’s ability to pay. Our content is 100% written by artists, curators and other visual arts professionals, and every piece of content on our site is paid for at a fair daily rate.
Artquest launched in 2001, and is a programme of University of the Arts London (UAL), an educational charity and Europe’s largest higher education institution for creative arts subjects. Our online services are open to artists anywhere, and our offline programme is open to visual artists in England, regardless of whether they have studied at any UAL college.
Artquest is also a National Portfolio Organisation of Arts Council England.
Find out about Artquest staff, who writes the articles, what other services we offer and how to use Artquest.”
Category: Cultural structure