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Happy New Year!

I wish you an inspiring, full of good surprises, open mind and discovers of the others and their cultures. I sincerely hope that 2016 will be more human and more peaceful but for this, we need also to take an

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Go ahead

It’s a little bit cliché to sum the spent year up but this exercise has the great advantage to learn lessons. I don’t claim to be more wise than other Cultural professionals but my experience and my reflections taught me

Kenn Taylor

Language: English Title: Kenn Taylor About: “I’m a writer, journalist and arts project manager. I have written on a wide variety of subjects over the years, though I now mainly focus on my specialist areas of social history, community, culture and the urban

Option Culture

Language: French Title: Option Culture About: Management du secteur culturel, Ce site est animé par Jean-Michel TOBELEM, docteur en gestion, diplômé de l’Institut d’études politiques de Paris et d’études supérieures de droit public, lauréat de la bourse Lavoisier du ministère

milou part en live

Language: French Title: milou part en live About: Culturophage qui a quitté sa cage, expositions, littérature, Musique & Cinéma, Scène & Cirque Category: blog/website